Archive for the ‘Probate’ category

Tax Deal Trust Fund Loophole Could Save Billions For Rich

December 17, 2010

Tax Deal Trust Fund Loophole Could Save Billions For Rich

Dec. 16 2010 – 9:34 am |

By JANET NOVACK, Forbes Magazine

If the Senate-passed Obama-Republican tax deal clears the House in its current form, rich families will have until Dec. 31 to save billions in Generation Skipping Transfer Tax on money already sitting in trust funds. Noted estate planning lawyer Jonathan Blattmachr, a retired partner of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy, says he’s been telling his peers: “Cancel your ski trip or trip to Hawaii. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

The GST tax, in place since 1986, is a second layer of tax applied to gifts and bequests that “skip” a generation—for example, gifts made to grandkids if their parents are still alive. The big, tax saving opportunity comes because the massive tax deal, as passed yesterday by the Senate, not only confirms a 0% GST tax rate for all of 2010, but also creates an additional  loophole that wasn’t available when my colleague Ashlea Ebeling first blogged about a potential end-of-the-year “payday for trust babies”.

The new loophole is this: the money doesn’t (as most planners had believed) have to be distributed outright to the grandkids to qualify for the 0% rate.  Instead, according to the fine print in the tax deal, it can be put in a trust for them, Blattmachr says. That means, he explains, that money can be taken from an existing multigenerational trust, declared subject to the 2010 GST tax, and deposited in a new trust for grandkids’ benefit, with the GST tax now pre-paid at a 0% rate. Transferring money to a new trust answers worries that the grandkids might lose the cash to creditors or in a messy divorce, or blow it on, say, a $2.6 million Bugatti sports car.

Under the tax-cut deal, in 2011 and 2012 the GST tax rate will be 35%, down from the 55% it would have been had the Bush tax cuts simply been allowed to expire. In 2013, if no further legislation is passed, the GST will again be 55%. But that uncertain tax future won’t affect the rich folks who prepay the GST in the next two weeks at no cost, except for lawyers and trust fees.

Money that isn’t yet in a trust and is given to grandkids (either outright or in a trust) before year’s end could also benefit from the 0% rate. But such a transfer, to the extent the giver has used up his or her $1 million lifetime gift tax exemption, would still be subject to a 35% gift tax —and rich people hate paying gift taxes, planners say. (Under the tax deal, each person’s lifetime exemption from gift, estate and GST tax will be “unified” at a hefty $5 million in 2011 and 2012. But that gift tax exemption increase, which itself presents a huge new wealth transfer opportunity for the rich, is not retroactive to 2010.)

Currently, according to Bernard Garbo, editor of Trust Updates, there is somewhere near $1.1 trillion in personal trusts at U.S. banks, trust companies and independent trust companies.  It’s unknown what portion of this trillion dollar hoard represents “non-exempt” multigenerational trusts created over the last quarter century that could benefit from the year-end loophole, but clearly, billions in tax dollars are at stake.  (Non-exempt means the money in the trust is still subject to the GST tax when distributed to grandkids. Some trusts created since the GST tax became law are exempt because the donor either set them up using his or her $1 million GST exemption or paid the GST tax upfront.)

Some of these non-exempt trusts were created at a wealthy person’s death; in other cases the donor is still alive. Technically, this money has already been subjected to the first layer of normal gift or estate tax, although much of it was funneled into the trusts with little or no taxes paid, through such transfer tax minimization devices as Walton GRATs (named after the family which founded Wal-Mart), charitable lead trusts and installment sales to trusts.

Not all non-exempt multigenerational trusts can take advantage of the GST tax loophole. For example, the trustee needs a fair amount of discretion, including the right to “invade principal”.  In addition, only 11 states (Alaska, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Indiana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, South Dakota and Tennessee) allow “decanting”—the movement of money from one trust to another for the benefit of one or more of the trust beneficiaries. But Blattmachr, who helped write New York’s first-in-the-nation decanting law, says that need not be a barrier to trusts in other states, thanks to a law signed by Sarah Palin while she was Alaska’s Governor. That law (also a Blattmachr special) allows out of state trusts to take advantage of Alaska’s decanting law so long as an Alaska co-trustee is named to administer the trust. Not coincidentally, Blattmachr’s brother, Douglas Blattmachr, is founder, president and CEO of Alaska Trust Co. which plans to have all hands on deck to help clients make the most of the GST tax avoidance opportunity through the end of this year.

What if the older generation benefiting from a trust isn’t ready to cede the money to their kids yet? Blattmachr, known (as you have probably deduced by now) for aggressive and creative legal handiwork, has a solution for that too. In some cases it may be possible to decant money into what he dubs a “generation jumping” trust—the trust is exclusively for grandkids, but their parents can be added back in as beneficiaries after five years.

Meanwhile, the entrepreneurial Blattmachr, who also has an estate planning software company,  is planning a webinar next Tuesday to clue in other attorneys on the last minute opportunity. His warning to those who would rather keep their reservations in Vail or Oahu: “If you do not give your clients an opportunity to do this, they’re going to be furious with you.’’

George Steinbrenner Beats Uncle Sam On Estate Taxes

July 14, 2010

Stuart Rohatiner, CPA, JD

George Steinbrenner died at age 80 — an amazing bit of timing for his heirs. Like Texas billionaire Dan L. Duncan, death comes in the one year when no estate taxes are are due.

You see, the 2001 Bush tax cuts included a peculiar twist: in tax year 2010, there would NO estate tax at all. That means Steinbrenner’s $1.1 billion estate and Duncan’s $9 billion estate could pass to their heirs without any federal tax. I’m sure that Red Sox fans are seething at this very notion (at least Big Papi won the home run derby!)

Considering that lawmakers have been aware of this issue since 2001, it’s deplorable that they have done nothing to address it and have left families stuck in the fog for planning purposes.

I spoke with an estate attorney this morning who said that for the past couple of years, there was talk of setting the estate tax hurdle at $7 million for couples and $3.5 million for individuals, which was the 2009 level. But without legislative action, the estate tax repeal will “sunset”, effective January 1, 2011 at which time the exemption amount for estates and gifts is $1 million and the the maximum rate for estate tax returns to 55%.

There’s been talk about making any fix retroactive to the beginning of 2010, but the lawyer said that may be unconstitutional and more importantly, given how much money would be at stake (approximately $5 billion in taxes for Duncan and $500 million for Steinbrenner) the lawyers will fight this one for a long time. Then again, Uncle Sam has a lot to gain…and he sure could use the money, especially this year.

By Jill Schlesinger | Jul 13, 2010 |