Posted tagged ‘provisions’

Joint Tax Committee Releases List of Expiring Federal Tax Provisions, 2009-2020

February 1, 2010

From TaxProf Blog, January 30, 2010.  The Joint Committee on Taxation yesterday released List of Expiring Federal Tax Provisions 2009-2020 (JCX-3-10): This document, prepared by the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, provides a listing of Federal tax provisions (other than those providing time-limited transition relief after the repeal of an underlying rule) that are currently scheduled to expire in 2009-2020 (with references to the applicable section of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or other applicable law). Expiring Federal tax provisions providing temporary disaster relief are separately listed in Part II of the document. For purposes of compiling this list, the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation considers a provision to be expiring if, at a statutorily specified date, the provision expires completely or reverts to the law in effect before the present-law version of the provision. Certain provisions terminate on dates that refer to a taxpayer’s taxable year and not a calendar year. For these provisions, the expiration dates listed in this document apply with respect to calendar year taxpayers. The expiration dates of such provisions may differ, however, with respect to fiscal year taxpayers or taxpayers with short taxable years. January 30, 2010 in Congressional News, Gov’t Reports, Tax | Permalink