Posted tagged ‘steny hoyer’

House leader: Tax cut vote won’t happen this week

September 26, 2010

(AP) – 2 hours ago

WASHINGTON — The second-ranking House Democratic leader says the House probably won’t vote this week on extending middle-class tax cuts and will deal instead with the issue after the elections.

Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland says that because the legislation is stuck in the Senate for now, forcing a vote before the House leaves town for the fall elections would be a “specious act.”

Hoyer says Democrats will pass legislation by year’s end that ensures taxes won’t raised be raised on the middle class.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had said a vote was possible.

House Democrats — much like their Senate counterparts — are divided on the issue. Republicans and a few Democrats want to extend the tax cuts for everyone, even the wealthiest Americans.

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